Showing posts with label security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label security. Show all posts

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Resources for Starting an eReader Program in the Library (Attachments from Prezi entitled "Print or Pixels: eBooks and eReaders in the School Library")

There have been some requests for the attachments that Jim Martin (from NEOnet) and I included in our presentation on eReaders at the OELMA (Ohio Educational Library Media Association) in the fall.  They are listed and linked under the eReader Resources section on the right-hand side of the blog, as well as linked in the annotated list below.

Student Forms

eReader Student Rental Agreement - The Student Rental Agreement is a form that students need to fill out before they can borrow one of the eReaders.  We keep the original on file, so the students do not need to complete the form again if they will be checking out the eReader in the future.  There is also a copy of the form in the bag with the eReader, case, and power supply.  We began circulating in October 2010, and we haven't lost any eReaders yet.

iPad Student Feedback Form and Nook Student Feedback Form - These two feedback forms are used when students first check out the iPad or Nooks.  (The iPad is only to be used in the library; the Nooks can be taken home for one week.)  Most students do not take the feedback form seriously; they just want to use the device, but it does offer some data on usage.  We also keep a tally sheet for male/female and grade level usage.  In the future, we will also be collecting comments from students via video regarding their experiences with the eReaders.

eReader/eBook Resources

eReader Overview - This document was compiled by Jim Martin and offers the specs of 44 eReader devices; it is dated October, so there should be an update in the spring.  Although most schools are using the Nook or Kindle as an eReading device, it is helpful to look at possible alternatives depending on the needs of the library or classroom population.

Free Sources of eBooks - Jim Martin also provided this document with an annotated list of eight sources for free eBooks.  This is not an exhaustive list, but it's a place to begin.

DRM and File Formats - Another helpful document from Jim Martin, who explains DRM (Digital Rights Management) and defines many of the file formats that are used with eReaders.  (Updated document, 3-3-11)

Information on 3G vs Wifi and CIPA - Jim Martin offers an overview of CIPA and 3G vs WiFi devices.  He adds a disclaimer on the document, "This document was NOT prepared by anyone with a legal background. The issues are raised so that school staff are aware of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and the potential conflict raised by supplying students with 3g wireless eReaders and Wi-Fi enabled eReaders."

eReader/eBook Management and Cataloging

Instructions for Cataloging eBooks in WorkFlows - These instructions were created by Jim Martin for library staff that use the Sirsi WorkFlows library management software (applicable to InfOhio users).  Martin offers three methods of cataloging eBooks, which can be transferred to other types of cataloging software.  At Copley High School, we catalog the eReader device, and then create a circulation set of all the books that are held on the device.  (See instructions regarding creating a circulation set below.) 

Creating Circulation Sets - Martin's WorkFlows instructions for creating a circulation set.  Each ebook is cataloged individually and then added to a Nook set.

Nook Cover 1 and Nook Cover 2 - Two examples of wallpaper for the Nook.  We include the name of the library, number of the Nook, the school contact information, and the barcode of the Nook.  The jpg, png, or gif image size must be 600 x 760.  For more information on how to create Nook wallpaper or screensavers, check Nook-Look.  Please note that the Color Nook uses a different image size, which I have yet to experiment with.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Kindle: the first experimental step and mistakes made

The first eReader that the high school library purchased was the Kindle in January 2010.  At that time, it was the only eReader device that other educational institutions (including higher ed) were experimenting with.  We had already purchased eBooks that were accessible via the Internet (through our online catalog), but I wanted to give students the opportunity to read books on a mobile device and begin getting some feedback on their experience.  With technology, you can theorize forever about what "might" work, but unless we actually purchased the technology, experimented with it, and got it into the hands of the users, we would never really know its effectiveness, so the Kindle was purchased.

After examining the Kindle, we discovered a list of pros and cons:

The Pros -
  • E-ink technology (probably the best feature of the Kindle)
  • Text is readable in extremely bright sunlight (on the three days that bright sunlight actually occurs in Northeast Ohio ;-)  
  • No glare from screen, even when using a light for night time reading
  • Lightweight (easy to hold and carry)
  • Inexpensive
  • Battery life is approximately 10 days
  • Outstanding selection of books
  • Easy to purchase books (also a negative which I'll discuss)
  • Fairly simple navigation
  • Dictionary
  • Text to speech feature (if enabled by publisher)
  • Wi-fi and 3G options, although only 3G was available when I purchased the Kindle
The Cons -
  • No pagination; uses percentages of the book completed--would make it difficult for students to find a passage when discussing in a classroom setting
  • Outdated and difficult navigation for looking up words, adding notes, etc.  Most users are more familiar with and expect a touch screen/keyboard on mobile devices
  • Small screen
  • No password protection on purchases (that has changed on the newer models)
  • Cannot borrow books from a public library
Student Use, Security & Technology Issues

I purchased approximately $50. worth of Amazon books, including popular young adult fiction, and downloaded many of the free classics for students and teachers to read.  In all honesty, there wasn't a line of students waiting outside the library door waiting to use the Kindle (that was the story when the iPad arrived later that spring!).   So I started marketing it to faculty and students and allowed them to take the Kindle home so that they could offer some feedback.  The feedback mostly consisted of being dazzled by the technological aspect of the device rather than how it impacted reading comprehension, but I think that was partially due to the newness of the technology and not having any official studies conducted on using the device or classroom assignments/programs connected with the Kindle.  The one positive feedback was from students with special needs who enjoyed reading using the Kindle, so that was worth the purchase if it motivated reluctant readers to complete their reading assignments.

The two technology/security issues we had were credit card security and CIPA.  The Kindle was designed for the individual user, so the one click shopping experience is a feature that is a great marketing tool for Amazon and a nice user feature when individuals are purchasing books, but when a device is available for student check-out, it can become problematic.  After many frustrating phone calls to Amazon, we finally found out that the only way to protect any students or staff from accidentally or purposely downloading books was to remove the credit card from the account after every authorized purchase.  A bothersome step, but it was manageable.

The other issue that could not be resolved was that the Kindle 3G is not compliant with CIPA (Children's Internet Protection Act), which I didn't realize at the time of purchase because no one--to my knowledge--was using the eReaders in the public schools yet.  Although access to the Internet was still in beta format on the Kindle when we purchased it, the Internet was still accessible unfiltered to students.  Currently, Amazon offers wi-fi only, which is the only option that public school libraries should consider.  Due to the lack of wi-fi availability on the Kindle and no password protection, I started looking at the iPad and the Barnes and Noble Nook as other options.  However, I do think the Kindle is a great choice as long as it is wi-fi and it meets the needs of the students and the purpose and goals of the library and/or classroom use are aligned with what the Kindle offers.