Saturday, February 5, 2011

Prezi: Print or Pixels? eBooks and eReaders in the School Library

This past fall, Jim Martin (Media Services Coordinator for NEOnet), and I gave a presentation on using eReaders in the school library at the OELMA (Ohio Educational Library Media Association) conference.   (The presentation can be found at under “Print or Pixels? eBooks and eReaders in the School Library.”)   This presentation chronicled the implementation and use of eReader devices, iPads, and eBooks in the Copley high school library, and Jim was able to share his expertise on the technical aspects of the eReaders and how to catalog the eBooks.  

Due to that presentation, there have been many requests for information about eReader user agreements, which type of eReaders seem to work with the students, how to access eBooks, etc.  I've enjoyed answering questions and especially learning what other libraries are doing in the eReader world.  I'm new to blogging, but I hope to post useful items so that they can be accessed from this site.  And...look for an updated Prezi in late spring.  As we all know, in the world of technology . . . a few months can amount to a completely different landscape of tools and applications.

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